I took a break from writing the blog for a few days, because my brain was fried from so much writing and scheming about blog topics. Now I’m back at it!
On Monday we went back to Chad’s ancestral village of Monteferrante to have lunch with more relatives. Before lunch, Chad and I went for a little stroll through the village.
We had met most of the family during previous trips to Italy, so it was so nice to see everyone again. Plus, it was nice to finally meet Bruno since we missed him on previous visits.

The family (left to right) – Silvana, Simone, Greta, me, Vincenzo, Chad, Angela, Cristian, Argentina, Bruno
Of course, the food was amazing. As we waited for everyone to arrive, we had some salty snacks and an aperitivo. For me, I drank a Campari spritz cocktail with Campari and prosecco. Then, once the rest of the family arrived, we settled in for a delicious, long lunch.
Argentina’s parents have a farm, so a lot of the food came from there. We started with cured meats/salumi, cheeses and olives. Best prosciutto of my life. Then lasagna with homemade pasta, which is my favorite pasta dish. Then pallotte which looks like a meatball but is made with bread crumbs and cheese and egg and is served with tomato sauce. I remember the first time Chad and I had pallotte; we had stopped at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere and weren’t sure what to order for lunch. The waiter said, “I’ll just bring you some things.” When we were served the pallotte, we thought, “Oh, meatballs.” Then we took a bite and said, “What in the world is this delicious food?” and I’ve been in love ever since.
Anyway, I digress. During lunch on Monday, after pallotte, we had pork cutlets with stewed onions. Then some salad. Then fresh pineapple slices. Then vanilla cake with strawberries and cream. Then after-dinner digestive drinks. Then coffee. And I feel like I’m forgetting something from the menu. Plus, the food was so delicious that I forgot to take photos along the way, but I’ll share the photos that I have.
After all of this eating, we went for a leisurely stroll through the village and greeted the neighbors. At the end of the afternoon, we stopped back at the house for some orange Fanta. Then Argentina was kind enough to send us home with leftovers of lasagna and cake.
Before we left the village, we stopped at a public fountain to fill up some jugs with water. Monteferrante is known for having great water. In fact, people come from other towns to get water from the many public fountains.
So, with our jugs full of water and our hearts full of great memories, we headed home. And then the next day we ate cake for breakfast and lasagna for lunch.