
The Fauna of Guardialfiera

We’ve seen a lot of animals so far during our short stay in Guardialfiera.  (And, of course, we’ve heard the turkey behind our house plus roosters and chickens.)

There are no shortage of outdoor cats, and I’m making a quest to take a photo of every single one.  Some cats are house pets and some seem to be wild, but people take care of all of them.  Chad has forbidden me from petting them, so I just take photos.  (Ask me about our trip to Panama City, Panama in 2014 when I ended up in the hospital after an encounter with a cat.  And who knew that Johns Hopkins University has a hospital program in Panama?)

someone put out some food for this cat

someone put out some food for this cat

these two cats were supervising our neighbor as she was unloading the car

these two cats were supervising our neighbor as she was unloading the car

Tigre, the bar cat at the bar near our house

Tigre, the bar cat at the bar near our house

this cat has a permanent crick in its neck and looks perpetually curious

this cat has a permanent crick in its neck and looks perpetually curious

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat

another cat


We’ve also seen some cute dogs.  There is little car traffic in the village, so it’s safe for the dogs to run around.

there is so little traffic in this village that this dog decided to relax in the street

there is so little traffic in this village that this dog decided to relax in the street

these two little dogs run around the village together having the time of their lives

these two little dogs run around the village together having the time of their lives

this little dog is quite shy but always watches us when we walk by his house - today he saw us and started squeaking a "hello"

this little dog is quite shy but always watches us when we walk by his house – today he saw us and started squeaking a “hello”

The village looks over forest and mountains that are, apparently, home to wolves and wild boar.  We haven’t gone for any forest hikes, yet, so our one true wildlife sighting has been a little fox running across the road the other day.

And of course, there is the donkey from our exploratory drive up the mountain during our first week when I yelled “Stop the car so I can take a picture of the donkey!”

the donkey just outside of the village with his friend the white puppy

the donkey just outside of the village with his friend the white puppy

Then, earlier this week, we went for our evening stroll through the center of the village and I said, “Do I see a horse butt over there?”

in case you forget that we are in a rural, agricultural area, someone rode their horse to the bar

in case you forget that we are in a rural, agricultural area, someone rode their horse to the bar

Finally, photos of our two snuggly kitties that we left at home with Jim and Fran.

Luna is very photogenic

Luna is very photogenic

Bokchoy is not

Bokchoy is not
