
Re-Entry Has Been Rough

Our return to the U.S. started out auspiciously.  Our flight landed 45 minutes early.  I know!  When does that ever happen?  We zipped through immigration, collected our checked luggage and went to Jim and Fran’s house to stay the night.  The plan was to relax, eat a light supper, and get a good night’s sleep and then pack up the kitties and go on to our house on Saturday morning.

Luna died in the middle of the night.  I found her the next morning curled up under a table.  She was only 10 years old, so it was quite a shock.  We’re just thankful that we got to spend her last day with her.  She was a sweet and curious girl.  Instead of getting settled back into our house and enjoying the holiday weekend, we went to the pet crematory and grieved.  Luna was always looking out the windows and trying to sneak out of the house, so we will sprinkle her ashes in our garden.

So that was Saturday.  Sunday morning, Chad and I both woke up sick with colds.  I haven’t been sick in years, and I forgot how much it sucks.  Then on Monday night, a mosquito got into the house and feasted on me while I was sleeping.  I’ve got over 60 mosquito bites.  So in addition to concluding our vacation and dealing with jet jag, our cat died, we’re both sick, and my entire body itches.

On the bright side, we still have our kitty Bokchoy who has been very snuggly since we got home.  The packages that we shipped from Rome made it to Georgia without any problems.  The head colds will go away, and the mosquito bites will heal.  We miss Luna immensely, but we have many years of wonderful memories with her.  She had a good life with us, filled with lots of love and lots of cat treats.  Ciao, Luna.

our sweet, curious, cuddly Luna

our sweet, curious, cuddly Luna
